So here's the assignment, find out your peculiar "sweet spot" in your marriage.
You could take a clue from these points and build your own list.
1. Parenting. A lot of women struggle to feel emotionally close to their husband but the truth is if you already have children, parenting is something you will always do together. Personally, when ever conversations turned to his relationship with our two girls, I can't but praised him. “Parenting is what we do best
together. We have similar perspective on what the girls need, we are in
step with one another on how to get there, and that part of life just
comes very naturally for us.” For me, our parenting roles are one of the
places where we are in total harmony—and that’s no
small feat.
2. Friendship. Your husband may not be
the type of person who wants to spend hours talking about his feelings like most men,
but he enjoys spending time with you. It may be watching movies together or just lying next to each other, you really are each other’s most
trusted friend and you can do everything possible to just stay close to him whenever he is around. Get the chores quickly rounded off, cancel some appointments, send the kids to bed or keep them busy with kids TV programs. It works like magic how this simple act of staying around each other can build your friendship. Friendship may be the glue that keeps you feeling close.
If you have that type of friendship with your husband, it can make up
for a lot of other things your marriage may lack.
3. Finances. For a lot of couples, this is
one of the single greatest sources of stress. So if you find that you
and your husband are able to work together well to manage your money and
work toward your financial goals—pat yourself on the back. It’s a major
feather in your relationship cap if you can stay on the same team where
your money is concerned, and can save your family from the negative
consequences of a lack of discipline in this area.
4. Faith. This one is a biggie. I call it the "control button". No
matter what questions arise in the course of your marriage, they can be
answered—or at least survived—if you share a strong common spiritual
foundation. A shared relationship with God brings couples closer and
enhances every other aspect of marriage. Even if you quibble about some
of the details of life (like why dirty socks would ever be on
the floor when there’s a perfectly operational hamper right there in the
bathroom...) you can count on your faith to keep you grounded in the
fundamentals, help you to forgive the failures, and deepen your love for
one another.
Be generous enough to share this piece.
Till then, Cheer!
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