Monday, November 18, 2013

Week 2- On Husband Encouragement Challenge

Day Eight: Planting Faithfulness
But a faithful man who can find?Proverbs 20:6

Faithfulness is a wonderful but rare quality today, especially in regard to marriage. Contemporary culture often entices men to be unfaithful to their wedding vows and spiritual commitments.
Consider the ways your husband displays faithfulness—how he is loyal to you, how he honors the Lord, how he continues on in his work and ministry. Begin to praise him for being faithful and praise God for helping him to remain true to his commitments.
This area will be difficult for you if your husband is prone to break his word or act unfaithfully toward you. Know that the Lord is near the brokenhearted, sustaining you in whatever pain you’ve experienced. Be sure to seek counsel from a mature, godly individual or couple who can help you respond biblically. Pray, speak the truth in love, remain faithful yourself, and discover ways to encourage faithfulness in your mate. 
The Bible says that husbands “may be won without a word by the conduct of their wives” (1 Pet. 3:1).
Whatever your circumstance, your challenge is to root out all negative speaking toward your husband and plant seeds of encouragement instead. You may be amazed at what will grow!

Action Step: Plant Seeds of Faithfulness
Plant seeds of faithfulness into your husband’s heart by praising his integrity and loyal actions. Write him a note expressing how much it means to you that he has honored his marriage vow.

A Wife’s Prayer
Lord Jesus, cultivate within my husband a faithful heart, one that longs to beat with integrity and flow with sacrificial love. Show me how I can plant seeds of faithfulness through my actions and attitudes toward my husband, and help me to wait on Your harvest in his heart.

Day Nine: Take Time to Listen
Be quick to hear, slow to speak.James 1:19 

We are often so busy speaking that we don’t take time to listen. We are so quick to offer a comment—negative or positive—that we don’t really hear our husband’s heart. Remember, we have two ears and only one mouth. We need to listen more!
As you continue in your 30-day challenge, not speaking negatively and focusing on positive encouragement, hear the Lord’s admonition today: “Be quick to hear.”
If listening is a real problem for you, play a game with yourself. See if you can listen to your husband for one whole day, only speaking when asked a question. If your husband notices the difference, explain that you are learning to listen more—not only to God, but also to him.

Action Step: Learn something new.
One easy way to give focused attention to your husband is to ask a question about something he enjoys and then listen to his response. If it’s an area of personal familiarity, keep asking questions until you learn something you didn’t know, then tell him, “Wow, I didn’t know that!”

A Wife’s Prayer
Lord Jesus, open my ears to hear—truly hear—my husband. Teach me to patiently pursue his heart by asking probing questions. Awaken my curiosity for all the unspoken things hidden as treasure in his heart and soul. Help me to honor what he shares with me and never use it as ammunition against him.

Day Ten: Remember: You Chose Him
Behold, you are beautiful, my beloved, truly delightful.Song of Songs 1:16

We all crave appreciation. We want to know that we are valued and loved, pursued and special. When’s the last time you remembered everything you admire about your husband? Early love letters probably reflected that admiration! But if we’re not careful to verbalize our admiration, our spouse will forget why we were drawn to him.
And when we spend time criticizing our husbands, we lose time that could be spent admiring and remembering why we chose that person in the first place! As you consider various ways to encourage your husband, ask, “How can I admire him?”

Action Step: Count the ways you love him—then tell him.
Does your husband know that you think he is attractive? What was one of the characteristics in your husband that first drew you to him? Was it a physical characteristic or something else? Was it his gentle, compassionate eyes? Kindness or concern for others? An easygoing confidence? A steadiness that comes from trusting in the Lord? Strength of character in a culture that lacks integrity? Do you see at least a glimpse of that characteristic in him today? Whatever it is, tell him! If you still have any of your old love letters, re-read them for clues to deepen your current level of appreciation for your spouse.

A Wife’s Prayer
Lord Jesus, I confess that it is often easier to criticize than admire. Please forgive my critical spirit and free me to remember all the things that nudged me to choose my husband in the first place. Remind me of things I’ve forgotten, and even point out things I’ve been blind to. Loosen my tongue to speak words of admiration and renew in me a deep, passionate love for my husband.

Day Eleven: The Power of Respect
Wives, submit to your own husbands, as to the Lord. Ephesians 5:22

Women who are constantly negative toward their husbands—especially by speaking evil of them to others—show great disrespect. Determine not to do that today (or ever!). This challenge to encourage is closely connected to submission.
Men respond to women who respect them. What do you respect about your husband? Is it his ability to plan, lead, show mercy, mediate peace, or delegate? Does he keep things organized or invest in others? If you feel there is nothing to respect, search harder . . . nearly every man has some core characteristic that can be nurtured and respected. In any case, you must still cultivate a submissive spirit to his position of leadership “as to the Lord.” Part of showing respect includes submission to his authority: “For the husband is the head of the wife even as Christ is the head of the church, his body, and is himself its Savior” (Eph. 5:23).

Action Step: Demonstrate respect.
Show your respect in public by listening to him and smiling at him when he speaks. Place your hand in his as you walk together. Seek his opinion on decisions you need to make or conversations you need to have with others. Tell him that you need his support, insight, care, and love.

A Wife’s Prayer
Heavenly Father, I have had trouble in the past respecting my husband. Forgive me for the ways I have not honored the marriage structure you created. Help me, Lord, Jesus, to grow in respect and to practice showing respect so that our marriage is a vibrant picture of Your relationship with Your Bride, the Church.

Day Twelve: Heart Check
With all humility and gentleness, with patience, bearing with one another in love.Ephesians 4:2

Part of the difficulty you may face as you continue in this 30-day challenge to encourage your husband is that you really are struggling to find positive things to praise. Perhaps the problem is not with your husband. Have you checked your own heart?
Sometimes we get disillusioned because of our own unreasonable or unrealistic expectations (Pro. 13:12). It may not be that our mates are doing something wrong; it’s simply that we expect too much in some areas.
Our expectations must be met in God alone, and then we will have the right perspective to ask God for the healing and grace we need to respond to others.

Action Step: Release him from overly demanding expectations.
Spend time in prayer, asking the Spirit to search you and know your heart for any unreasonable or unrealistic expectations you are holding over your husband. Today, try to look at your husband through eyes of grace. Verbally thank your husband for what he is already doing, and release him from any overly demanding expectations the Lord has shown you.
A Wife’s Prayer
Lord Jesus, search my heart for any ways I’ve been expecting too much from my husband. Help me to come to You with my unmet needs; teach me to not hold my husband’s failings against him. Soften my heart so that Your grace is at work.

Day Thirteen: Don’t Settle for a Passionless Marriage
I am my beloved’s, and his desire is for me.Song of Songs 7:10

If you were to describe your sexual relationship, would it you say it’s passionless or passionate? The health of your sexual relationship is one of those determining elements—along with money and children—that can make or break a marriage. Many women struggle with the sexual component in their marriage, settling for passionless. But God intended marital intimacy to be a vibrant and regular expression of love.
Let’s get practical here. Is your husband a good lover? Have you told him so? Be specific. Let him know when he pleases you. Most husbands genuinely want to please their wives, especially in this important area of marriage. Realize that your husband wants intimacy with you . . . his desire is toward you.
There are many common areas of struggle that women face. For example, in moments of intimacy, do you find your mind wandering? This can change as you focus on something wonderful about your husband.  Many women have exacerbated their sexual struggles through negative comments. Negativity destroys intimacy, but encouragement builds and strengthens the marriage bond. Wherever your marriage falls on the passion scale today, seek God’s help for growing the passion in this all-important area.

Action Step: Show some passion.
Does this area of your marriage need some work? Remember that this is a sensitive area for men. Be sure to encourage his lovemaking and masculinity in positive ways. Demonstrate that your desire is for your husband and that you want to spend time with him.

A Wife’s Prayer
Lord Jesus, no matter how I have struggled in the past, I don’t want to settle for a passionless marriage. Make me healthy and whole in this area; free me from wrong thinking and release in me a great desire for my husband.

Day Fourteen: A Man of Integrity
The righteous man walks in his integrity.Proverbs 20:7

Every week there are news reports about men who gave in to temptations and compromised what they said they believed. We hear countless reports about dishonest business dealings, hidden infidelity, and hypocritical leaders. It’s so easy to focus on these things and ignore those who are being honest, faithful, and genuine. As you continue in the 30-Day Husband Encouragement Challenge, determine to look for ways that your husband stands against the culture.
Is your spouse a man of integrity? Is he fair in his dealings with people? Does he understand the meaning of justice? Is he honest in business? Genuine in his faith? Consider all the ways a man can live in integrity, and praise your husband for one of them.

Action Step: Strengthen the hedges in his heart.
Pray regularly for your husband’s sense of integrity, that he would be sensitive to the Spirit in all his ways. As you have the opportunity—as it is appropriate—share examples of your husband’s honesty and integrity with others. Your prayers and compliments will serve to strengthen the hedges of morality he has in his heart.

A Wife’s Prayer
Heavenly Father, would You make my husband’s heart more sensitive to Your Spirit? Let him be aware of weak spots in the hedges around his heart. Show him how to walk in integrity by fortifying his resolve through prayer, accountability, and right choices. Protect him from evil. Show me how to praise him and encourage him to stay strong in his actions

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