There are many baby gender selection techniques available but I will be writing about the two which I at least understand since I am not an authority in this field. I have also seen people who recorded success using these two methods together.
1. Shettles method
What it is: Timed intercourse on specific days of your cycle.Effectiveness: Shettles proponents claim the technique is 75 percent effective, but other experts are doubtful. Keep in mind that you always have about a 50 percent chance of conceiving the sex you want.
How it's done: The theory is that sperm bearing a Y chromosome (for boys) move faster but don't live as long as sperm that carry X chromosomes (for girls). So if you want a boy, the Shettles method contends, you should have sex as close as possible to ovulation. If you want a girl, you should have sex two to four days before you ovulate.
- Requires no drugs or invasive medical procedures.
- Free or low cost.
- Relatively safe.
- You may use an ovulation predictor kit to figure out when you're ovulating, or chart your basal body temperature to estimate the best time to have intercourse.
- There's no guarantee of success.
Anyone can try it.
2. Gender Prediction Using Chinese Birth Chart
Is it going to be a Boy or Girl?? This Chinese Birth Chart will help you find out. To use this Birth Chart for gender prediction, you need to know your exact Chinese Age and the month of conception.
How to Use the Chinese Birth Chart
The Chinese Birth Chart is easy to read and
interpret. Follow the steps given below to predict your baby's gender
using this Chinese pregnancy calendar.- Find out your Chinese age at the time of conception. Chinese age is different from your actual age. Click here to find your Chinese Age.
- If you have already conceived, find the Chinese
month of conception on the upper row of the Chinese birth chart. Then go
to the Mother's Age on the left column.
The month of conception in Gregorian calendar can be converted to Chinese month using our Chinese Year Convertor - Find the intersection box where the vertical line drawn from month of conception and a horizontal line drawn from mother's Chinese age meet.
- If it says Boy then most probably you're expecting a baby boy and if it says Girl, the chances are more for a baby girl.
For example, according to the Chinese birth chart, a 28
year old (Chinese age) woman conceiving during the 5th month (Chinese
month) is expected to give birth to a Girl child.
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