Monday, November 4, 2013

Submission....Oh My!

The S word...oh my! The most hated topic by ladies, it really was one of my most hated married issues until God personally had a walk with me through it. Luckily for me He(God) put me through before I got married else I would have ended up in the biggest disaster so far. I so hated the word "submission" that I told myself, "I'll rather remain single than allow some nameless man order my life about". This hatred for the S word of course came to be as a result of lack off understanding and the misrepresentation of the word. Now I am the biggest fan of the S word because I even came to realize that it is the most powerful tool and also the sharpest weapon a wife can wield. A wife who has not come to terms with it has a lot of struggles and can never lead a victorious life.
I’m just going to share a few thoughts about submission over this next week.  I will like to start by saying that submission has been misrepresented.  So if you would, please set down any immediate thoughts and reactions and hear me out.We need to understand submission and learn how to walk in it rightly.  This is not something we want to excuse our way out of, explain away or dismiss as something we don’t have to do.

What Is Submission?
It is the act of accepting or yielding to the authority of another person. Biblical submission does not in any way suggest that you are inferior as the wife. It simply places on the wife, the responsibility of recognizing the leadership of the husband. Lets take a look at that Scripture again. 
Ephesians 5:22 "Wives, submit yourselves to your own husbands as you do to the Lord." 
Submission is a command from God to wives and each time she rebels against that she is rebelling against God.

What Submission is NOT
Submission is NOT about checking your brain at the door.
When you choose to submit to an authority, you’re not saying they are necessarily smarter or better.  You’re just agreeing with God that it’s His choice that they be in charge, that He will gift them to do what they are called to do and that you’re going to go along with that.  This is not license to check out intellectually.  Aside from the fact that you still have to think through what you are doing, you are still responsible for your choices and actions (if an authority asks you to do something wrong, you have to be engaged enough to be aware of that (more on this later)).
Submission is NOT about being a robot, a non-person.
You don’t stop being a person when you submit to someone.  You just take all the good that you are and work with the direction of that authority.  Your perspectives, your thoughts and your experience are great gifts that you use in all that you do, regardless of who is in charge.
Submission does NOT mean that you have no voice. 
Submission means that you are willing to follow.  It does not mean that you can’t question, ask for something you need or suggest an idea.  You just do those things in a respectful, kind way.
(A reminder ~ Jesus is our example. He was intellectually engaged, certainly not a robot or a non-person, and He had a voice (He talked intimately with the Father and when faced with the cross, even asked if it was possible to change plans.).  Submission doesn’t make you less of a person, it just makes you a wise and God-honoring person.)
More tomorrow.....

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